Jekko Against Gender-Based Violence

Jekko Promotes Corporate Welfare with Initiatives Against Gender-Based Violence


Colle UmbertoJekko, a leader in the mini crane and lifting sector, has launched an innovative corporate welfare program dedicated to the prevention and counteraction of gender-based violence. This initiative involved 27 department heads, including both workers and employees, in a predominantly male environment with a significant female presence.

Promotion of a Culture of Respect – Under the leadership of CEO Diego Tomasella, Jekko collaborated with the Itaca Cooperative to develop a training program that promotes a culture of respect and equal opportunities. The training sessions, conducted by expert counselors and pedagogues, were preceded by anonymous questionnaires to better understand the gender dynamics within the company.

Positive Results and Future Commitments – The training program received positive feedback from participants, confirming the achievement of the set objectives. An important outcome was the creation of the “Stalking and Psychological Violence Handbook” an official document distributed to all employees to promote good corporate practices.

A Commitment to Human Sustainability – Jekko’s initiative emphasized the importance of investing in human well-being as an integral part of corporate sustainability. “In our historical and cultural context, it is essential to highlight positive contributions that promote equal opportunities and respect” stated Diego Tomasella.

Jekko has distinguished itself for its innovative approach to corporate welfare, demonstrating that investing in the well-being of workers is equivalent to investing in the future of the company.